Academic Grievances/Integrity/Grade Appeals
Academic Grievances
Faculty are responsible for classroom management, teaching strategies, testing, and evaluation of student performance. At academic institutions conflicts may develop within the educational process that requires academic intervention using an academic grievance process. When student grievances cannot be resolved through information interaction with a faculty member or chair/coordinator, students are directed to use the SAC Academic Grievance process only when there is clear and convincing evidence that a faculty member has treated the student unfairly. The SAC Academic Grievance procedure allows for unresolved complaints to continue moving from student, to instructor, to division chair, to dean until consensus is reached or final decision affirming or denying the grievance is made by the appropriate dean.
For questions about SAC Academic Grievances or Academic Integrity, please contact Sophia Caldera-Castaneda at
SAC Academic Grievance Process
- If a situation occurs in which a student believes that he or she has been treated unfairly by an instructor, the student should schedule a conference with the instructor in an attempt to resolve the problem within 10 days of the incident.
- A SAC Academic Grievance should be completed to document the incident. A SAC Academic Grievance submitted online will be received in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Success. VPAS staff will review the grievance and forward it to the department chair to ensure grievance procedures are followed.
- If, after a conference with the instructor, the student believes that the matter is unresolved, he or she may consult with the department chairperson within five (5) days of the student's conference with the instructor.
- The chairperson will individually and separately hear the grievance from the student and the instructor. After hearing both sides, the chairperson may request that the student and the instructor meet the chairperson in order to reach an acceptable solution.
- If an agreement is not reached, the chairperson will affirm or deny the grievance within 5 days. If the decision is to affirm the instructor's position, the student may then appeal to the dean. If the decision is to affirm the student grievance and to recommend that the instructor reverse his or her decision, the chairperson must meet with the instructor and provide a written explanation. To affirm a student grievance, the chairperson must have adequate cause.
- If either the student or the instructor is not satisfied with the chairperson's decision, he or she may appeal to the appropriate academic dean within five (5) days of the chairperson's decision. A complete record will be forwarded to the dean by the chairperson. The dean and the chairperson will meet with the student and the instructor. After hearing both sides and reviewing the record the dean will render a decision in writing, affirming or denying the grievance within five (5) days.
SAC Academic Grievance Report Form
Academic Integrity
Faculty members are responsible for reporting academic integrity violations. If a faculty member finds that a student may be in violation of academic integrity standards F.4.2, the faculty member shall take the following steps:
- The faculty will contact the student in writing to request a meeting within five business days of identifying the alleged violation.
- The faculty will meet with the student by phone, by Zoom, or in person to discuss the violation and what, if any, sanction will be imposed. If the student fails to respond to the meeting request or fails to attend the scheduled meeting, the faculty member should skip to Option Three under step 4 below.
- Upon meeting with the student, the faculty member should discuss the alleged violation, share their findings with the student, determine if a violation has occurred, discuss the consequences of the violation, and ask the student whether they agree with both the violation and the consequences. Common consequences include a reduced grade for the assignment(s), a zero grade on the assignment(s), or a reduced final grade for the class. Faculty may not drop a student from a course or give them a zero grade for the overall course because of an Academic Integrity Violation. However, it is possible that a student may not receive a passing grade in the course.
- Upon the conclusion of the meeting, faculty should follow one of these paths:
Option One: If the faculty member determines in this meeting that the student did not commit an academic integrity violation, they should email the student as such to document that the matter is closed.
Option Two: If the faculty member determines in this meeting that the student did commit an academic integrity violation, they should complete the Academic Integrity Report Form in Guardian.
Option Three: If the faculty member does not receive a response from the student or the student fails to attend a scheduled meeting with the faculty member an Academic Integrity Violation Form should be completed in Guardian.
- Once the Office of the Vice President for Academic Success receives the Academic Integrity Report Form, the student will receive a notification email asking whether they disagree that they committed an academic integrity violation and/or disagree with the instructor’s sanction. Should they disagree on either point, students are to email both the instructor and department chair within five working days to request that their Academic Integrity Violation be sent to the department chair for review.
- The department chair will then have five working days from receipt of the student’s email request to make their decision regarding the violation. Chairs should email their determination to the student and copy the faculty member and the Office of the Vice President for Academic Success.
- If the student is not in agreement with the department’s chair’s decision, they may request a hearing with an Academic Integrity Panel by contacting the Office of the Vice President for Academic Success. A student request for an Academic Integrity Panel follows the process described in the Appeal of Violation and Sanctions section of Procedure F.4.2.2. Please click on the procedure below for more information.
This form is designed for faculty who seek to refer a suspected academic integrity violation. Only the faculty member overseeing the course in question may refer an academic integrity case. Students who wish to report a suspected academic integrity violation should contact the faculty member in charge of that course.
SAC Academic Integrity Report Form
Academic Integrity Policy: F.4.2 (Policy) Student Code of Conduct – Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity Procedure: F.4.2.2 (Procedure) Academic Integrity Disciplinary and Appeal Process
Grade Appeals
Service Description:
Online faculty are responsible for online classroom management and teaching strategies. If a situation occurs in which a student believes that he or she has been treated unfairly by an instructor, the student may require intervention using the academic grievance process. The academic grievance procedure allows for unresolved complaints to continue moving from student to instructor, to division chair, to dean, until consensus is reached or a final decision affirming or denying the grievance is made by the appropriate dean. Online students will be able to complete this process through teleconferencing, emails, and/or online video conferencing.
SAC Academic Grade Appeal Form
Service Provider:
Vice President for Academic Success
Email Address:
Main Contact Number: (210) 486-0950