Academic Advising

How do I see an academic advisor? (Click Here)

Welcome to Academic Advising 

The academic Advising, Career and Transfer Services (ACT) Team provides integrated academic and career services to students. NVC and the ACT team are committed to creating opportunities for student success.

Advising Mission
We are committed to providing quality academic advising services and information about available resources to support students in achieving their desired goal. We will guide students towards completion of a certificate and/or Associate degree and support their transition to a four-year institution or the workforce.

Are you a new, returning or transfer student?

We are excited to help you get started on your educational journey! Before seeking advising services, please click here determine the admissions steps that apply to you. 

What services can I obtain?

Academic Advising Services - are provided via phone, email, chat and zoom to help you in the method that works best for you. All currently enrolled students have been assigned a Certified Academic Advisor. Please check your ACES email for information regarding who your assigned advisor is and how to schedule an appointment. Visiting (Transient) students are encouraged to talk to their home institution advisor regarding what classes to take while at NVC. 

  • If you have completed your enrollment checklist, please sign up for the required New Student Orientation/Advising session HERE.

    Once you have registered for a session, you will receive communication regarding the NSO session and the documents you will need to help you through the registration process. Please come prepared to the New Student Orientation by:

    • Complete the Student Demographic Survey in ACES at the beginning of the registration process
    • IF attending a zoom session- Logging into the Zoom session through your computer- this will ensure that you have the ability to share screen with the advisor and see all the portions of the screen to help you select your classes
    • Having the email sent to with your advising appointment time and Individual Registration Guide accessible
    • Be prepared to use Firefox or Chrome web browsers to register for classes (other browsers will cause errors in the registration process)

    Your first advising session will be with a certified advisor during the New Student Orientation, where you will discuss what classes you should take your first semester. 

    You will be assigned an advisor once you have registered for classes and will receive an email through ACES at the start of your first semester regarding who your advisor is and how to schedule an appointment. 

  • Academic Advising Services - are provided via phone, email, chat and zoom to make sure we are helping you in the manner that works best for you. You are encouraged to meet with your advisor every semester to ensure you are staying on track towards accomplishing your educational and career goals. It is especially important to meet with your advisor at important touchpoints of your academic journey, such as when you earn 15 credit hours (completion of 1st or 2nd semester), 30 hours (halfway through your degree plan), and 45 credit hours (preparing for transferring, graduation or entering into the workforce).  Not sure how to set up an appointment? View the step by step Scheduling an Appointment guide

    The following services do require an Advising appointment:

    • If you are being asked for an "alternate PIN" when trying to register
    • Did you receive an email from your instructor and /or advisor asking you to contact them? See more information about Early Alert and why it is important for you to talk to your instructor and advisor when you receive these emails.
    • Career Exploration- if you are unsure which career field/ choice is best for you
    • Change of Major
    • Degree Planning, Schedule Building, and Updating your Individual Success Plans in GPS
    • Transfer Planning- to help you prepare to transfer to a 4-year university or college
    • Financial Aid Appeals
    • Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal students- must meet with assigned advisor every semester
    • Graduation Applications 
    • Need to request permission to take additional hours? Please view the Petition for Overload web page for information about how to complete the petition process. Forms may be accessed upon completion of an advising appointment with your assigned certified advisor. Overload Petitions forms submitted without prior advising may not be accepted. Petitions must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the semester starting. 

    Additional Advising Resources:

    • Want more information about career exploration, transfer services and job readiness such as resume reviews, preparing for interviews and job search assistance? Visit the Career and Transfer Services page to learn more.  
    • Are you  a veteran or dependent and need assistance getting your classes certified, renewing or applying for Hazelwood, or have general advising questions? Visit the Veterans Center for information. 
    • Ready to Graduate? Graduation Advising 
  • Are you transferring to Northwest Vista College? Visit the Transfer and Former Students page to learn more about applying for admission, enrolling in classes and meeting with an Enrollment Coach if you need additional help through the process. 

    Students returning or transferring in who have been academically dismissed may visit the Academic Dismissal Petition Process page for information on how to complete the petition process. 

  • If you are trying to register for summer classes recommended by your University advisor, and are receiving a registration error, you may receive assistance through our online chat service. Transcripts showing completion of prerequisite courses will be required to be provided at time of assistance, and an official transcript must be sent to NVC by your home institution showing final grades. It is recommended you speak with your home institution advisor to determine what classes to take that will transfer back to your current degree program.

Where is Enrollment Management held? Records Office

How-to videos and guides

Alamo Colleges District Registration Tutorial

How to build your individual success plan in GPS

How to prepare when planning to transfer


ACES Registration Guide (PDF)

ACES Registration Tutorial (PDF)

How to drop before census (PDF)

How to withdrawal after census (PDF)


International Students


Advising Hours

General Hours of Operation 

Spring 2025

Monday - Wednesday: 8:00am-6:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am-7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm

1st Saturday of the Month: 9:00am-1:00pm


Spring Break - March 10th-14th
(Limited Advising Services Available in DWWC from 8:00am-5:00pm)

Cesar Chavez Day - March 31st (College Closed)

Easter Holiday - April 18th-20th (College Closed)

Fiesta Friday - May 2nd (College Closed)

Contact Information

Contact Information

The Advising Services office may be reached by phone at 210-486-4100 during general hours of operation. Please be able to provide your full name, and banner ID when requesting specific information.


Chat Services

Available Hours: Please check the website weekly for updates.

NVC : Advising Sessions | Alamo Colleges

If you are unable to get a chat response, it may be due to a high volume or your request is outside of the chat service hours. 




Advising Services is located on the 2nd floor of Desert Willow Welcome Center (DWWC), Room 202 R.