Academic Resources
Click Here for Dynamic ScheduleHow to Use the Dynamic Schedule
- Go to the Dynamic Schedule page and choose The Semester from the pull-down menu
- Click Submit button
- Choose a Subject from the list (REQUIRED, i.e. ENGL-English)
- Choose the College (i.e. Northwest Vista College, or choose All)
- Choose Part of Term (i.e. Full Term, or choose All)
- Choose Session or leave it All; choose Location or leave it All; make any other selections (or leave blank for all available)
- Click Class Search
Time to DegreeHow Long Does It Take to Earn an Associate Degree?It’s up to you how long it will take to earn your degree. The more courses you take, the faster you can get to the finish line. EVERY COURSE COUNTS! Learn More - Visit the Time to Degree Webpage
Alamo Colleges Ready to Work ProgramConnecting you with training programs at the Alamo Colleges – and beyond. One or more of these programs are approved Ready to Work programs. Find out if you’re eligible to receive free tuition and job placement services that will enable you to secure an in-demand career. The CHW certification and AAS in Community Health is approved by Ready to Work. Academic credit courses and accelerated Continuing Education (CE) course leading to certification and AAS are available. Academic students interested in SARTW funding their CHW education should contact Sandra Lopez, Coordinator of Student Success. Email: Phone: 210-485-0302 |
The Alamo Colleges District is a proud partner of the City of San Antonio’s Ready to Work Program. |
Find Your ProgramNorthwest Vista College offers a variety of associate degree programs, certificates, pre-majors, and transfer areas of study. Explore our programs and make a plan using the link to our keyword search below. |
Search for ClassesSearch for scheduled courses by selecting a term from the pull-down, selecting a class from the subject listing, and then click Search Classes for a listing of all available sessions. Use the link below to find classes. |
Academic AdvisingThe Academic Advising office at Northwest Vista College is committed to providing quality academic advising services and information about available resources to support students in achieving their desired goal. We will guide students towards completion of a certificate and/or Associate degree and support their transition to a four year institution or the workforce. |
Student Accessibility Services (Disability Support)Northwest Vista College is dedicated to creating opportunities for success for many different kinds of students. Some students may have disabilities that interfere with their ability to succeed in the classroom. Student Accessibility Services help level the playing field and create opportunities for success for students needing support. Please call 210-486-4466 for information. |
Learning Assistance Services & Centers [LASC]Our goal is to help students develop their learning skills to help them take a proactive approach to their courses, discover their particular learning style, and develop their critical thinking skills, through our learning assistance services (i.e.coaching, mentoring, tutoring, etc). |
The Writing CenterAt The Writing Center, our goal is to help students acquire the reading and writing skills they need to be successful in college and throughout their lives. Visit our webpages for more (click link below). |
Faculty Language AdvocatesThis is a page where you can find professors who speak English and at least one other language! These faculty members can assist you in your classes and also speak these languages. Our faculty is diverse, and they want all of our students to succeed! |
Faculty-Student MentorsThe Faculty-Student Mentors are faculty members who are here to support students throughout their time at NVC and until they complete their goals with us, including their certificate/degree, transfer to a university, and/or finding employment. |
Student HandbookThe Student Handbook is designed as a user-friendly resource to answer the most frequently asked questions students have about services, programs, expectations and procedures. It is intended to help you successfully transition to college life and become fully engaged in your college educational experience. |
Career ExperienceProvides numerous opportunities for students to build career-related skills and connect with employers through events and experiential learning activities. Students benefit from faculty support and encouragement to pursue new hands-on experiences that align with their future career goals. |
Math Tutoring & Advocacy CentersCurrently offering two types of labs for our students:
BookstoreNorthwest Vista College's bookstore is online and offers students textbooks, supplies, and technology needed for their classes. |
Speech Tutoring LabThe Speech Lab offers many services to students enrolled in a Speech class or any other class requiring an individual or group presentation. We can help in the lab beginning with researching your assignment, organizing and outlining your information and practicing your delivery. We also offer help with PowerPoint Presentations. |
Online TutoringNorthwest Vista College, in partnership with Brainfuse, offers all students (students taking face to face, hybrid, or online courses) 300 minutes (5 hours) of free online tutoring services per semester in the following subjects:
Open Computer LabThe Student Open Computer Lab provides students with the latest technology resources and assistance needed to successfully complete class assignments and projects. The Student Open Computer Lab is a great place to come and do research related to your courses. |
LibraryThe Northwest Vista College Library supports the mission of the college by providing:
Dual Credit (High School Program)Northwest Vista College’s Dual Credit Program allows eligible high school students to earn college credit for high school courses in which they are currently enrolled while completing their high school requirements. In order for students to participate in the program, the high schools must be approved to offer dual credit courses. Dual Credit is different from AP credit. |
Information & Communication TechnologiesThe Information and Communication Technologies department provides technology solutions and support for our students, faculty, staff and community. |
Career and Transfer ServicesNorthwest Vista College Career and Transfer Services (CaTS) provides resources, guidance, and assistance with career exploration, career planning, academic advising, job preparation, and more. |
Distance LearningDistance Learning is an educational opportunity that offers a deadline-oriented learning experience similar in structure to a face-to-face on-campus class. Students and instructors interact through chat tools, email and discussion boards over the Internet and depending on the course assessments and assignments are all online. On average, students spend about 10 hours per week per course in preparation, participation, and homework time. Students may spend less or more time per week per course depending on when the course is taken and difficulty of the course. |
Canvas Quick GuideThis Canvas Quick Guide is for students who want to learn how to use Canvas. Please contact the Distance Learning Department at your college if you are new to online learning or would like more information on the Orientation to Online Learning (OLRN) course. The guide includes the following:
Online Course Agreement
Connect 2 CompeteThe Alamo Colleges District is working with Connect2Compete, a national nonprofit, to provide students and employees low-cost computers and free or low cost Internet service, along with the hardware and the digital skills to effectively and safely use the Internet. Depending on home location, you may qualify for fast free service or a discounted high-speed Internet data plan. Low-cost computers are also being offered. |
Veteran Advocates (V2V)NVC Veteran Advocates (V2V) provide students who are military members (current & former) with information, resources, and advocacy to help them succeed in higher education. |
Universal Access Student ResourcesFree or Low-Cost Textbooks and Instructional Materials that provide teaching, learning, and/or research resources in the public domain. Click below to learn more. |