• SPC Graduating Class

    Archival Photo: SPC Graduating Class Circa 1913-1914



Acquire and preserve archival material to provide evidence, accountability and memory for St. Philip's College and the surrounding area within the context of local, state and national history while supporting the educational and administrative needs of the college.

  • Arrange and describe holdings in Archives according to archival standards and best practices
  • Provide regular reference service to students, faculty, staff, administrators and the public interested in using primary source materials
  • Provide environmentally-sound storage conditions for holdings in Archives
  • Showcase materials within our collections which exemplify the contributions of St. Philip's College at the local, state and national levels
  • Provide a richer educational experience by working with educators to use primary source materials in their classes
  • Offer educational and outreach programs to increase public awareness and appreciation of the history of St. Philip's College and the surrounding area while emphasizing our impact on local, state and national history

The St. Philip's College Archives serves as the repository for manuscript and records collections, which documents the history of St. Philip's and the East Side of San Antonio. We have over 800 linear feet of materials, over 100,000 digital images and 1700 square feet of dedicated space on the third floor of the Center for Learning Resources building that opened in 2009 on the MLK campus. The Archives continues to grow in depth and quality, serving the information and research needs of the administration, faculty, staff, students and community of San Antonio.

About Us

On January 27, 1995, the Learning Resources Center Coordinator, Betty J. Maroscher, submitted a written request to President Hamice James for a Historical Services Coordinator, who would work to establish an Archives Department within the Learning Resources Center and collect, preserve and organize materials documenting the history of the College and the East Side of San Antonio. The request was approved and the St. Philip's College Archives now boasts materials, digital images, and a dedicated location to house all archival materials.

Our Collections

  • Archived College Catalogs: Information from archived College catalogs, such as course descriptions for transfer credit or employment, can be accessed via the St. Philip’s College Office of Records and Registration (spc-records@dlokoko.com; 210-486-2284; Welcome Center, Room 203) or the Center for Learning Resources Archives Department (rbarnard3@dlokoko.com; 210-486-2583; Center for Learning Resources, Room 314B). Any requests for copies of catalog pages can be sent via e-mail or postal mail.
  • St. Philip's College ECHO Yearbooks: Yearbooks are available for viewing by appointment. Select pages can be sent via email or postal mail.
  • Manuscript Collections: Manuscript collections are available for viewing by appointment. These collections cover individuals such as Artemisia Bowden and Dr. Clarence W. Norris, Sr.
  • Departmental Records: Departmental records are available for viewing by appointment. Departments include various college functions, such as Marketing and Strategic Communications.
  • Photographs: Photographs are available for viewing by appointment. Many photographs can be requested and shared via email.
  • Archives Collection (a searchable list of individual archival items)
  • The Portal to Texas History (photographs and student newspapers available online)

Visit Us (Archives Reading Room, Center for Learning Resources (CLR), Room 303 or 314-B)

The SPC Archives holds various collections, including yearbooks, catalogs and photographs as well as materials from prominent people throughout our history, such as Artemisia Bowden and Dr. Clarence Norris, Sr. We also hold the audio and transcripts for the oral histories used to write the SPC history book by Dr. Marie Thurston, St. Philip's College: A Point of Pride on San Antonio's Eastside. Visit us to view any of these items.

Contact Information

Rebecca Barnard
MLK Center for Learning Resources (CLR) 314B